VA - Pure Electro

VA - Pure Electro


Varèse Sarabande is an American record label, distributed by Universal Music Group, which specializes in film scores and original cast recordings. They've licensed Andy Hawk's Project Di:Polar and give it a strong push to the biggest clubs of USA

Varèse Sarabande (USA)


  1. Kern & Sanner - Blown Away
  2. Digital Addicted - Digipop
  3. Andy Hawk - Dipolar: Hormontanz
  4. Denga & Em Slice - So Sexy
  5. Juke B / Kern & Sanner - Still Waters
  6. Stoneface & Terminal - Venus
  7. Freakquencer - Foot Cop
  8. Klara Van Steyn - Wenn Du
  9. Lazy Rokkaz - Discoschlampe
  10. Freakquencer - Bit Chess
  11. Tis - Drug Tip
  12. Superkorn - F*** You All
  13. Evil Concussion - Change Is Gonna Come
  14. DJ Matisse / DJ Romeo - Lollita
  15. Denga / Em Slice - Psycho Pimp